SSA Drama’s production of Steve Thompson’s political comedy Whipping It Up was extremely well received, with strong audiences for all three performances from 15th – 17th August 2013 at The Edge Theatre, Alderbrook School.
Three Minute Call reviewed the Friday performance:
“You felt like you were eavesdropping on real political conversations and it resonated so closely with the recent expenses scandals and London riots…. (The director) Chris Cooper has done a brilliant job of bringing the politics of our time to life, it is a show that can always be relevant and the 6-strong cast were excellent.”
The production garnered plenty of positive feedback during the run, and the cast and crew can only be applauded on such an enjoyable production.
See the official production photos here.
SSA Drama’s next production is their annual pantomime Sleeping Beauty which will play from Wednesday 15th – Saturday 18th January 2014 at 7:30pm in Malley Hall, Alderbrook School. More information will be released soon!