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A History of Solihull Society of Arts

The Local History Circle is a group interested in the history of Solihull and the wider West Midlands and Warwickshire areas.

We hold meetings on the third Monday of each month when a talk on local history is given by a visiting speaker.

We meet at the Solihull Methodist Church Hall, Blossomfield Road, Solihull, B91 1LG. Tea and coffee are available before the meeting, starting at 7:15pm for 7:45pm. Talks usually last for about an hour. Outings are also to be arranged through the year.

We hold an annual dinner in May and there is a joint lecture held in June with the Solihull Archaeology Society. This joint meeting is held on the third Tuesday in June with members gathering from about 7:15pm. This meeting is held at the John Palmer Hall, Union Road, Solihull.

For further details, please contact Laurence Ince on 0121 706 0204 or visit the Local History Circle website below:

The SLHC subscription for 2019/20 is £15. Guests are welcome, admission £3 at the door.



The Paytons were iron merchants who came to live in Solihull in 1852 (when the railway arrived) and stayed until 1935. Originally auctioneers from Dudley, their story mirrors the social developments of the 19th century. Family members over three generations lived in a number of houses in the village, eg The High Street, LodeLane, Warwick and Alderbrook Roads. The Paytons attended St Alphege Church, and sent two of their sons to Solihull School. A new book The Paytons of Solihull has recently been published by the Local History Circle and copies, price £8 (plus £1.50 for postage) may be obtained by phoning 0121 705 4188.